"President Chaves has been a great leader in that country in regards to recognizing the threat that China poses," said Mauricio Claver-Carone, the US special envoy on Latin America.
Evidence-based and policy-driven independent journalism. Tribuna Magazine offers accesible & interactive bilingual longform articles discussing relevant policy in the liberal and democratic world. Based in Costa Rica, we are: Costa Rica’s Link to the World.
All in Mundo Costa Rica
"President Chaves has been a great leader in that country in regards to recognizing the threat that China poses," said Mauricio Claver-Carone, the US special envoy on Latin America.
More than 50 academics reject the idea of Congress officially declaring former President of Costa Rica José Figueres Ferrer a “Hero of Peace”.
A comparison of the radical presidencies of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Costa Rican president Dr. Rafael Ángel Calderón Guardia, with an emphasis on the latter.
En un año, 30 emisores colocaron 368 mil tarjetas de crédito en Costa Rica al mismo tiempo que la deuda en plásticos aumentó en 166 mil millones de colones. ¿Será tiempo de regular el mercado de las tarjetas de crédito?
Por qué las noticias “gratis” no son buenas para el periodismo, y cómo nos acostumbraremos a pagar por contenido digital de nuevas maneras.
El libro es un fenómeno lingüístico que enriquece nuestro vocabulario, amplía nuestra visión de mundo y alimenta nuestro pensamiento. Cada libro, cada autor, interpreta, recrea, construye y reconstruye; da testimonio, reflexiona, y moviliza a partir de un punto de vista.
La visión tradicional de las empresas a veces resulta en la formación de áreas funcionales que en la práctica buscan protegen a sí mismas y no al sistema general. ¿Cómo lograr no perder de vista la meta común? Lo analizamos.
Former vice presidential candidate Edna Camacho shares her thoughts on a possible government built on an alliance of two major political parties heading into the runoff presidential election. ESPAÑOL INCL.
Costa Rican historian Iván Molina encapsulates the Costa Rican Civil War of 1948 on the 70th anniversary of the armed conflict that laid the foundations for the modern latin-american democracy.
Op-Ed contributor Rodolfo Méndez Mata on his decision to support Carlos Alvarado in the upcoming runoff presidential elections in Costa Rica. ESPAÑOL INCL.
Data from 2017 sheds light on porn viewing habits in Costa Rica.
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